More Photos & info. ~ ~~ ~ Pedigree.
Rip Romp Terry a.k.a. "Blue Sage"~ 2010 Blue Roan AQHA gelding. 14.3+1/2".
One of the fanciest, silvery-ist blue roans you will ever see. Willing, reliable, responsive with a great work ethic this guy has it all. Started right as a 2 yr old, he has tons of potential to go many directions.
Abi's favorite to use starting colts in the roundpen, he getts into his work and enjoys it. Great to pony colts off of, doesn't mind being pushed & pulled around & will push right back and keep walking straight. Great on trails, drives, pasture riding.
He will carry anything that you can hold on top of him. He neckreins, sidepasses, backs, and is safe anywhere. Never bucked, steady minded, not spooky. Video of cow work this spring!
New Video! Covering a range of subjects.
More photos.~~~~Pedigree.
SOLD on Live TV auction: $8,500 going to Alpine, Texas! May 17th, 2014.
BLX Cowboys Little Dude ~ 2010 Bay Roan AQHA gelding. 15.1hh (should mature @ 15.2hh.)
We've had “Shorty” since he was a baby, he has never offered to buck, saddle him up in any kind of weather or after time off & he is the same easy going fellow. Friendly & loves attention, great to work horses on or move cows. We have owned several other horses from this same breeding & they have all been really good, easy to get along with, geldings. We have no doubt Shorty will be the same. Saddle up & ride off any time & be completely safe. Opens gates, stump mounts, all dark feet, good bone, 100% sound. Good horse to have guests ride, he is good natured & will have a tolerance for rider mistakes. Call us & visit!
NEW Video!~~~Moving cows.
Lester's page.~~~Pedigree.
SOLD on Live TV auction, $6,900 to Sidney, Ohio! Lulabye Lester ~ 2005 AQHA gelding.
If you are looking for a combination family/using horse (& you appreciate responsiveness) Lulabye Lester will be one of the best horses you will ever own. Tries hard to please, & learns new things quickly, tremendous amount of mind. Very cowy, handy on his feet, stays steady in a tight situation, stump mount, opens gates, ponies& roundpens horses great. All dark feet, good bone, 100% sound. Very aware & attentive to his rider, totally the greatest little horse to work with.
Short video. ~Moving Cows.~ ~ Longer video. |
BJR Bar Blue Two~ "Gus" 2007 AQHA Blue Roan 16 h in. ~ Sold Privately from the ranch.
Calm, steady & friendly. Stout built, good looker with a pretty head. He stands a true 16 hh measured with a level & tape.
Rides out safe even after months off. Gentle for everyone in our family & great for guests too. Very forgiving of rider mistakes. Big solid bone & stout enough for any size rider. Crosses water, bridges & logs. Good in rough country takes it nice and slow down really steep hills. Pushed cattle 15 miles. Sound, no spook or buck. Hobbles, ponies & opens gates. Side passes, backs & neck reins. See his video. More Photos.
$11,000 High Seller at Superior Livestock's Fall Horse Sale on RFDTV, Nov. 9th, 2013.
More photos. ~ ~ Pedigree.
WA Apache Como ~ AQHA '06 Red Roan gelding.
Gentle, best friend type of gelding that will be a great all-around ranch horse or is pretty & athletic enough & to go to the arena. Comfortable to ride with a round lope, soft in the face, side-passes to open gates, good back & working neck rein. Takes his leads & circles nicely. 14.3h 3/4in.
Video#1 saddle/tarp! #2catch/roundpen!
#3circles/hills/water! And Apache w/Kids!
SOLD to Gerry Cohen, L.A. Ca. Thanks for being good fun and awesome guests; don't let TV land get you down!
Docolena CatintheHat ~ 2007 AQHA gelding.
15.1 hh. All around gelding, ranch broke & seen miles in hills & rough country. Stout built with a big hip, he proves that you don't have to be fancy colored to be beautiful! Great personality, friendly and wants to work with you! Loves to help train horses & work cows. A joy to train, he is athletic and a very quick learner. Perfect horse for someone looking for a partner & buddy. Catch anywhere, rides bareback or in a halter. Side passes, opens gates, backs & neck reins. Stump mount, no bad habits. Hobbles & ponies colts.Straight legs, good bone, 100% sound. Video here. See his pedigree. More info.
SOLD to Roz from Wa. for 15,000!
Vandy's Yeller Bar ~ aka "Dandy" AQHA '05 Palomino gelding. 14.3 hh. One of the most unique palominos I have ever seen, with great chrome. Quiet, quiet! Chocolate & silver palomino. All around family horse, even ridden by the 7yr old niece. 'Dandy' has a very laid back disposition. We have had beginners on him but will step up several levels when asked. Gathered pastures & ponied colts many miles. Friendly, catch him in the pasture & ride him back in a halter. Stands quiet to mount. No buck. Solid when it comes to strange things, there's no spook in him. Sound & very pretty. More photos.~ ~ Pedigree.
Video #1 here! New video w/kids Here!
Congratulations Tom Tuma, Cutbank, Mt. on the purchase of this fine horse! Have fun on him, Tom!
Big Red Pepto ~ 2008 Palomino gelding 15hh.
Cowbred, ranch ridden. Pepto is looking for a best friend who loves to work cattle so that they can have fun together! Super quick. Naturally easy stops & lead departures, keeps his rump underneath him. Love to use him working cattle, & is fun to use starting colts in the roundpen. Doesn't hesitate to do what you ask. More photos.
Pedigree here. His 1st video! His 2nd video!
More Photos.
Pocos My Bue Pine ~ Sold for $10,000 to Robert Lunder, Billings, Mt.
All around gelding, ranch broke & seen miles in hills & rough country. Stout built 15.1hh. Mild disposition. Catch anywhere, rides bareback or in a halter. "Blue"s gentle & easy going personality can develop into an anybody-can-ride gelding. Been behind cattle, sidepasses to open gates, neck reins, backs, hobbles. Ponied colts. Gentle ground manners and great with other horses. Video here! Second video is up!
Sold to Alfred Dumontin of Arlee, Mt.
King Lightning McQueen ~ 2007 AQHA Roan
"Denver" has all the tough characteristics of an old fashioned ranch horse in a friendly 14.3 h package. Solid standby gelding in the making, rain or shine he'll be there when you need him. Likes people & would rather go do things than stand around. Loves to help train horses & work cows. Sure footed on ice & agile up or down steep footing. Catch him in the pasture & ride him home in a halter. No spook, More Photos. Fantastic all black feet & solid bone.1st Video here! Second video here! |
More photos. Pedigree here. Video up, click here!
Colonel Tom Cat ~ 2004 AQHA gelding 14.2 hh. Quick, athletic & likes to work. Copper Gold palomino, white mane & tail. Stand out comformation, cute head & good hip. Smart, cowy & smooth to ride. Safe; he has never offered to buck, be cold backed or cinchy. Opens gates, side passes, hobbles & crosses water. Ridden in rough country. Worked many horses of off him, he really gets into it. He has a great pedigree with Mr San Peppy, Colonal Freckles & Three Bars on his papers. Own son of Digger's Rest. "Cat" made Jolyn Dillon's day when she was able to take him home to Lame Deer, MT to the tune of 6k. Have a ball on him, Jolyn!
More photos. Pedigree here. ~ 1st Video.
Nolan's Continental~2007 AQHA gelding 15.1 hh. Fancy, big deluxe Ranch Gelding in the making. Athletic & cowy. Big gentle lope, he will spoil you. War Leo, Freckles Playboy & Peppy San on bottom bedigree. Good to round-pen colts on. Stump broke, hobbles, crosses water. Soft mouth, flexes. Great ground manners. Ropers take a look! Continental nearly topped the sale with the winning bid of 15k from Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Danks of Mandan, ND. Great job, guys! He's a terrific horse, and you're going to look awesome on him where ever you go! |
More photos. Pedigree here. Video here.
Silver Quick Six ~ 2003 AQHA gray gelding 15.2hh. 'Silver' is a big powerfull ground covering gelding. Ranch used & solid broke. Whatever your job is you can get it done on him & be well mounted. Many miles of ranch riding, good in rough country.15.2 hh. Great conformation, good saddle back. Excellent feet & bone. Opens gates, pasture roped & watches a cow. Hobbles, No Buck. Meredith Wilson also took home Silver, which means she's got the makings of a perfect "Black & White" picture! Have a blast with 'em, Meredith!
More photos
Poco Butter Cutter; "Butter" 2006 AQHA
He is gentle & has Never Bucked. Smart, responsive, lots of try & smooth riding. Rides very light. Nice to move cattle on, introduced to a rope, ridden in rough country. Willing, soft, good on leads, moves off leg. Butter is totally easy to train, a real joy to ride.
Sold to Walter Denny, Durango, Co. for $12,500 at the Sugar Bars Legacy sale.
Quarter Osage ~ 2005 AQHA Blue Roan. Big, powerful 16h gelding. Very,VERY cowy, Kind & Gentle. Bought at 2 yrs, home trained from the ground up. Never bucked with me, has never been cold-backed or cinchy. War Concho, Blue Valintine, Bluechip Driftwood on his papers.
Sensitive to weight, seat cues, good rate, rides very light. Always tries very hard to please & wants to be told he did a good job. Really watches a cow, strong enough & big enough to carry a good cowboy all day & gentle enough for a lady. Suitable for a soft hearted rider.
"Blue" sold for $12,000 to Rayelle R. of Alberta, Canada. Have a great time with him!
Sonny's Fine Chex ~ 2003 palomino gelding 14.3
When Abigail & I need to grab a horse quick & lope out to bring horses in from pasture, Chex is our first pick. We can lope out, sort the ones out we need & herd them back. He is our first pick because we don't need to saddle him up & it is faster! He has been used to naturally heat detected cattle in a large Sandhills ranch pasture. Is good to roundpen colts on, open any gate from horseback & one of our best horses for guests to ride.
"Chex" sold for $12,000 to Michael Chipco, of California. Thanks Mike!
JB Dunit ~ AQHA 2006 Palomino gelding. Dunnits Gold King x Hollywood Dun It out of Miss Bay Hickory x King Cutter Doc. Extra nice, stout, pretty palomino with all the athletic ability to make a performance gelding. Pretty mover. Nice soft lope. Good ground manners, gentle & friendly. Rides out well, seen outside miles in our hills this summer. Ponies colts, moves cattle. 15Hh. Strong bone, # 1 shoes on the front.
"Dunnit" sold for $7,000 to Shane Johnson of Watford, North Dakota. Congratulations! |
Photos and pedigree. First video, & 2nd video!
Frosty's Royal Jedi ~ 2004 APHA chestnut paint gelding 15.1 hh.
'Royal' fits his name perfectly, elegant, with beautiful manners, he is a gentlemen. Calm, quiet and safe. He is one of those horses that anybody can ride. Even complete beginers will be safe on him and have a good time. Friendly. He walks out nice, has a very smooth lope and super gentle jog.
Royal is going to Redding, Cal. Have fun with him, Micheal H.!
BLX Golden Gordo
2005 AQHA red roan gelding 15.3 hh.
This boy is so friendly his barn-name is "Happy"... he is always happy to see you, happy to be petted on, and happy to do whatever it is you want. He is really calm & easy to get along with. Smooth walk, he is super easy on your back.
1st Video here! & 2nd video here. & Pedigree.
"Happy" has gone to Idaho.
More photos and Pedigree.
Highbrow Royalty ~ 2001 AQHA chestnut gelding 15.1 hh. Son of Ben To Cowledge. Smart and sensitive. Willing to please, he is soft and responsive.With a good ground covering walk, he handles himself well in rough country. Push button leg cues for leads. Not spooky and we have saddled him up in cold weather and he rides right off.
Highbrow is in New Mexico. Congratulations, Nancy L.!
Classicos Whiskey, 1993 AQHA chestnut gelding. He got his picture, (left,) on the cover of the Cow Country Classic Catalog.
Classico now lives in Washington.
Grant, 2000 black gelding. Even minded and stable. He has a cute and funny personality. Loves attention! Easy to catch. You could ride him double, or just crawl all over him. Our friend's five-year-old-girl, Taniel, rode him, and LOVED it! Grant likes to go along with other horses, and know that nobody will ever get hurt.
Second top selling horse at Cody Wild West Days Top Notch Horse Sale. Grant now lives in Wyoming.
See his video with Taniel, Grant and Taniel. And being ridden by an adult, Grant.
Colorado, 1997 palomino gelding.
Colorado now lives in Colorado.
Doc, deep buckskin gelding.
Doc now lives in the Nebraska panhandle.
Sundance, 2003 APHA paint gelding.
Sundance now lives in New Mexico with Margo W. She "Loves him!"
Thanks, Margo. We love to hear that. Many happy trails to you both!
Latchet's Gold Rush, 2003 buckskin gelding, by Dash Of Royal Gold.
Dillon now lives in Texas.
Arthur, stunning AQHA chestnut gelding.
Arthur now lives and looks good in Colorado.
Jerry Lee, 2004 AQHA chestnut gelding.
Jerry Lee now lives in New Mexico.
Tyree, 2000 bay gelding. Sold at Billings in August, 2006.
Tyree made the trek all the way to Canada.
Cowboy, 1996 chestnut gelding. High selling horse at the Billings Livestock Horse Sale in August, 2006.
Cowboy now lives in California.

We hope you have enjoyed this site! Please contact us with any questions.